Research article
- Financial crisis and mental health in Greece - O. Giotakos, D. Karabelas, A. Kafkas page (page 109)
- A volumetric study of brain structures in subtypes of depression - K. Vasilopoulou, M. Papathanasiou, J. Michopoulos, F. Boufidou, P. Oulis, C. Nikolaou, C. Pantelis, D. Velakoulis, L. Lykouras (page 120)
- Development of the Risk Assessment Suicidality Scale (RASS): Α population-based study - K.N. Fountoulakis, E. Pantoula, M. Siamouli, K. Moutou, X. Gonda, Z. Rihmer, A. Iacovides, H. Akiskal (page 132)
Special article
Books review (page 164)
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