Research articles
- The development of manualised cognitive behaviour treatment for adults with mild intellectual disability and common mental disorders - K. Azam, M. Serfaty, M. King, S. Martin, A. Strydom, C. Parkes, A. Hassiotis (page 109)
- Cortical thickness and oscillatory phase resetting: A proposed mechanism of salience network dysfunction in schizophrenia - L. Palaniyappan, K. Doege, P. Mallikarjum, E. Liddle, P. Francis-Liddle (page117)
- Psychometric properties of WHOQOL-BREF in clinical and health Greek populations: Incorporating new culture-relevant items - M.Ginieri-Coccossis, E. Triantaffillou, V. Tomaras, C. Soldatos, V. Mavreas, G. Christodoulou (page 130)
- Low dosage lithium augmentation in venlafaxine resistant depression: An open-label study - B. Alevizos, E. Alevizos, A.A. Leonardou, I.M. Zervas (page 143)
- Alexithymia, depression and serum lipids in suicide attempters - K. Paplos, B.J. Havaki-Kontaxaki, P. Ferentinos, M. Dasopoulou, V.P Kontaxakis (page 149)
General article
Case reports
Books review (page 162)
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