People with intellectual disability are at a greater risk of developing common mental disorders. In the United Kingdom, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines recommend cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as the treatment of choice for such problems. Even though there is growing evidence that people with mild intellectual disability can benefit from CBT, there are no manuals to assist in the delivery of the treatment. Previously published material from journals and books describing both CBT in people with intellectual disability and the general population was reviewed to create the first draft. Further consultations with professionals and service users with intellectual disability on the content, accessibility and language that was used in the manual were carried out. Specific materials were developed for use in the therapy sessions and for homework. The manual, written for trained therapists, provides generic information about communication and thinking styles in people with mild intellectual disability and describes in detail how to conduct each session. It contains also contains the materials and a leaflet to help carers support the treatment. Manualised treatments are helpful in maintaining a consistent approach to treatment and may be more beneficial for hard to reach population groups.
Key words: Cognitive behavioural therapy, manual, intellectual disability.
K. Azam, M. Serfaty, M. King, S. Martin, A. Strydom, C. Parkes, A. Hassiotis (page 109) - Full article