Research articles
- The relationship between bullying and symptom presentation in first-episode psychosis - I. Kosteletos, A. Hatzimanolis, L.-A. Xenaki, I. Ralli, S. Dimitrakopoulos, I. Vlahos, M. Selakovic, S. Foteli, R.-F. Soldatos, N. Nianiakas, K. Kollias, N. Stefanis (pages 17 - 25) (https://doi.org/10.22365/jpsych.2023.021)
- Psychiatric Hospital of Leros: A portrayal of the current situation - K. Anargyros, Th. Mavrogiannidis, E. Oikonomou, E. Karapournos, S. Dimou, G.I. Moussas (pages 26 - 33) (https://doi.org/10.22365/jpsych.2023.017)
- Validation of the Greek version of the Accommodation and Enabling Scale for Eating Disorders (AESED) - H. Lempesi, A. Katerinopoulou, Ch. Tzavara, Α. Koumoula, F. Gonidakis (pages 34 - 42) (https://doi.org/10.22365/jpsych.2023.019)
- Perceptions and attitudes of people with severe mental disorders towards smoking in Greece - G. Papadosifaki, V. Psarra, Ch. Touloumis, Ch. Tzavara, K. Farsalinos, E. Sakellari, A. Lagiou, A. Barbouni (pages 43 - 53) (https://doi.org/10.22365/jpsych.2023.022)
- Efficacy of a conservative physical treatment regimen on psychological status and quality of life in Greek patients with chronic low back pain - M. Petrelis, K. Soultanis, I. Michopoulos, V. Nikolaou (pages 54 - 65) (https://doi.org/10.22365/jpsych.2023.027)
- Factor structure and reliability of the Greek version of Attitudes Towards Mentally Ill Offenders (ΑΤΜΙΟ) Scale in a general population sample - S. Martinaki, Κ. Athanasiadis, Ch. Tzavara, V. Ntelidaki (pages 66 - 77) (https://doi.org/10.22365/jpsych.2023.025)
Case report
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