This paper presents the guidelines for psychotherapy training as part of specialist child and adolescent psychiatry training, as approved by the Section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (CAPP) of the European Union of Medical Specialties (UEMS). The goal of psychotherapy training as part of specialist CAPP training is to raise the trainees` awareness as regards the requirements in force in each EU country, for one or all the main psychotherapeutic modes. That is: psychoanalytic/psychodynamic individual psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, or family psychotherapy. Psychotherapy training consists of three elements described in detail for each psychotherapeutic mode: (a) familiarity with theoretical models, (b) personal skills and knowledge of techniques, and (c) awareness of own life experience. The guidelines also include the following: (a) Τhe volume of training for each mode, while stressing the need for individual and group supervision of the trainees by a qualified child and adolescent therapist, (b) Τhe competence level and what is included in each psychotherapeutic mode, (c) Τhe evaluation of the training process.It should be noted that the situation in the field of psychotherapy training, as well as the educational resources and potential, vary from one European country to another.
Key words: Training in psychotherapy, child-adolescent psychiatry, trainees.
J. Tsiantis, J. Piha, D. Deboutte (page 248) - Full article (Greek)